Hi,   I'm Igor

I am a tech-savvy Interaction designer and UX expert with 8+ years of experience. Currently working on AI integration to a customer assistance app. Passionate about AI in general and constantly thinking where UX will live within this new world

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Selected Experience
Most of the projects I was working on were under NDA, so unfortunately, I'm not able to share much.

Please feel free to reach out to me to learn more about my process and to see my designs

More Projects

Workflows, storyboards
User Interviews, shadowing, studies etc
Research synthesis, insights consolidation
Design systems creation and management
Wireframing, mocking, prototyping
Design validation, testing
Support developers


Shine a light on the problems and the possibilities
Be bold - ask uncomfortable questions
Be humble - grow by lifting others
Share ideas, improvise, experiment
Inspire others

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