Using DScout Express mission to discover actionable insights to build Personalization features

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This project was done for a big-box retailer in the US. Our team starts working on building a Customer Profile for our associates who work on a sales floor assisting customers. The goal is to empower our associate with information that can help them to provide personalized shopping experience to the customers

Challenge 1.

We don’t know what information will be the most helpful for personalization

I’ve created two tasks in my DScout Express Mission.

1st task is an open- ended question to let Scouts openly elaborate what do they think associates should know about customers to be able to provide personalized shopping experience. Here is a prompt I was using:

2nd task is Ranking. I came up with about 20 data fields that might make sense in my opinion and let Scouts rank each option

I intentionally put an open-ended question first and then ranking questions after to make sure I don’t influence scouts’ opinion

Actionable insight 1

Surprisingly I received very similar results from both tasks which gives me enough confidence on what TOP-5 information pieces we should include into Customer Profile MVP. That’s how the results are looking on DScout

Challenge 2

Nobody likes to complete surveys these days and we don’t want out customers to feel like they need to do just another survey so we want to learn what motivations/ de-motivations customers have when asked to complete any type of questionnaire while visiting a retailer

I’ve created two Video questions and one Multiple choice question on DScout to learn more about motivations and de-motivations

The results were more or less expected for both motivations and de-motivations. The vast majority of Scouts are expecting some sort of incentive in return of their time providing the information. 60% of Scouts mentioned that they want to understand what value are they getting, will it help them to find a better product, will it help them to save time in the future purchases, etc

Here are two quick summary slides:



De- motivations:


Actionable insight 2

Since most of the customers prefer an incentive to complete our questionnaire we need a strategy on how to make it happen. The next step will be to run another study to understand the most effective way for associates to approach customers, what kind of greeting and verbal communication style to use for effective cold approach. The selected method is a survey for our internal associates. I am using Qualtrics for that so stay tuned for my next posts. After the survey we can also think what kind visuals in our app can support associates in doing cold approach.

Actionable insight 3

Since 60% of Scouts mentioned that they want to see a value, it makes a perfects sense to include our questionnaire in the app flow to make sure associates ask the right questions in the right moment so the questions is tightly synced with a value. In this case customers are more motivated to share data and incentive we might be able to provide will just increase a customer loyalty rate. The difficult part here is to make sure we really provide the value

Challenge 3

I wanted to learn at what point of the shopping experience customers feel the most comfortable sharing the details.

Here are the results:

Actionable insights 4

As we can see from the ranking above most of the people prefer providing data by their own. So we should probably ask in-store customers to provide some basic information so the process wouldn’t take long and lean more towards the consumer facing apps to collect the data


I had 100 Scouts for this study * $10 for every Scout = $1000 overall cost of this study

DScout is a very good tool for qualitative research. It might be also used for quantitative analysis, but I assume it might be much more expensive since we need more Scouts

My next post will be about how I translated my actionable insights into mockups so I’ll probably share some visuals so follow me if you are interested

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